/ Provisional Year Seminar – Xinglong (Luke) Chang – Robust Automated Adversary-Aware Machine Learning Models

Provisional Year Seminar – Xinglong (Luke) Chang – Robust Automated Adversary-Aware Machine Learning Models

October 12, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

303-B09, 38 Princes Street, Auckland, Auckland 1010


Defending machine learning models from adversarial attacks is an ongoing problem. No defence is completely immune to adversarial examples to date. Most existing approaches are tied to a specific machine learning model and struggle to preserve good performance on clean inputs. As a result, few adversarial defences have been deployed in real-world applications. There is the need for establishing a baseline for measuring the vulnerability of a classifier given its training data, so the user can have a better understanding of the potential threats from adversarial attacks.

In the first year, I introduced the concept of black-box defences. It is a scenario where the defender has limited access to the model, modifying the parameters and retraining the model are not viable strategies. I provided a novel multi-stage black-box defensive framework inspired by the concept of Applicability Domain. By testing for applicability, reliability and decidability, this data-driven approach preserves the performance of the black-box model while effectively defending adversarial attacks. Through my analysis, I found this black-box approach performs equally well on blocking adversarial examples from various models.

I then expand on the existing algorithm and focus on explainable attacks and the defences. The objective is to establish a framework which can be used to evaluate the robustness of the data against unknown adversarial attacks given a machine learning model. By bounding the data and the model as a pair, this framework will identify the vulnerabilities within the pair, so the user can make a balanced decision between rejecting unforeseeable attacks and accuracy on the clean data in the model selection phase.